Our white TTK S commercial dehumidifiers – the cost-effective alternative


Made in EU, the white TTK S commercial dehumidifiers provide a robust and strong performance for a cheap price. Even under rough conditions they dehumidify quickly and reliably. Of course, our new devices are 100 % developed, designed and manufactured by Trotec.

The new dehumidifiers of the TTK S series model year 2013 are the cost-effective alternative for high requirements in a rough everyday practice. The metal housing covered in synthetic material is robust and durable. “On the one hand we wanted to offer a cheap price and on the other hand we, of course, wanted to produce a high-quality dehumidifier”, Rainer Rausch, member of the Trotec management, remembers. “Nevertheless it is not made in China. The new dehumidifiers are made in EU.” Like all dehumidifiers of the series the white models as well have convenient castors and carry handles for an easy transport. The smallest model, the TTK 140 S has rubber-tyred steel wheels. The bigger models are easy to transport due to their full-rubber tyres and an adjustable bar handle. Read More

TDS electric fan heaters – favourable and powerful


In building containers, in garages, at market stands, in warehouses or even in gastronomy; everywhere where heaters are missing or broke down our powerful and electricity saving electric fan heaters of the TDS series are the perfect solution.

In contrast to directly fired gas or oil heaters the electric fan heaters of the TDS series create neither combustion gas nor they consume oxygen. Thus, they are perfectly suitable for the use in interior rooms, for instance when you have a market stand or work in the building industry. This cost-saving alternative for longer, mainly stationary heating operations keeps a continuous heat output. The new TDS electric fan heaters are 100 % Trotec – development, design and production. With a heating capacity between 0.65 and 22 kW the five devices provide the ideal solution for any application. Read More

Winter’s gonna be hot! With our new TDS R electric fan heaters


If in workshops, warehouses and work halls, gastronomy or construction sites, the TDS R electronic fan heaters are ideal for condense-free air heating. With our new TDS 75 R and TDS 120 R heater we take care that you don’t freeze at work during winter. Additionally, till 24 October we have a top deal for you. Heating was never cheaper!

It is already dark in the morning, cold and sometimes even wet. Especially, when you work outside or in draughty, unheated halls you should provide warmth to get healthy through the day and the cold season. The good news is that our TDS R electric fan heaters perfectly suit these requirements and the even better news is that you can get the devices for our special top deal price until 24 October. When you order a TDS R heater you get ten per cent discount on the already rebated price. From the end of calendar week 43 your new heater will immediately be delivered to you. Read More

Top Deal: Prepare for winter with an IDE oil fired heater


During winter it can become very cold when working outside. Therefore, we want to heat you up with our oil fired heaters top deal. No matter if you work on a construction site, in a workshop, a warehouse or a greenhouse. Buy a device of the new IDE series until 31 October and keep fit and warm during the cold season.

Order now, wait until 31 October and save lots of money. That’s how our top deal works!
When you order until 25 October you get a ten per cent discount on top of the rebated list price. After that until 31 October you still can get five per cent. It is worth waiting. Read More

Comfort dehumidifier TTK 75 S returned from the summer break


After a long summer break the comfort dehumidifier TTK 75 S is back. From now on, it is in stock again and available for you to quickly and easily dehumidify rooms up to 50 m².

For long two and a half months the dehumidifier TTK 75 S had disappeared from our warehouse and did not appear again for the whole summer. Fortunately, it not only provides constant low humidity values when it is hot outside but during the winter season in heated rooms as well. Equipped with an antibacterial air filter the dehumidifier works in a hygostrat-controlled automatic mode. It has an overspill protection and, thus, is ideal for non-stop operation in unsupervised rooms.

What are you waiting for? Go straight to our online shop and get the comfort dehumidifier TTK 75 S for our very special price!

Power for the industrial sector – the desiccant dehumidifiers TTR 1000 and TTR 1500


Quality “Made in Germany” – Our new high performance dehumidifiers protect your goods and your inventory against corrosion and condensation

Especially, when producing or working with climate-sensitive products a constant humidity is very important. In industrial and logistics processes air and gas dehumidification became almost indispensable because besides production and product safeguarding a controllable humidity ensures long value retention of machines, inventory and buildings. Read More

DH-S industrial dryers for a fast and reliable dehumidification


Industry, logistics and craft – fields of work where you have to dehumidify every day and where you should not do without the new industrial condenser dryers of the DH-S series. Besides the high dehumidification performance you get an excellent value for your money.

When doing industrial work there is always moisture – during production, processing or storing. In many working processes – especially, when working with food but also for protection against corrosion and condensation – you have to ensure an optimal room climate. With the new DH-S standard series protecting your products now is fool proof. Read More

ONE condensate pump for all dehumidifiers of the new TTK S series


The times when you had to buy a new condensate pump for every new dehumidifier are over. For the four dehumidifiers of our new TTK S series there is just one pump that suits all devices. It doesn’t matter if you use the dehumidifier TTK 125 S, TTK 175 S, TTK 355 S or TTK 655 S, the condensate pump is the same and if you ever get a new model of the series you will not need a new one.

Additionally, the pump is available for permanent drying and extremely powerful because it has a pump performance of up to 50 m distance and a maximum pump height of 4 m. Thus you can even permanently drain condensation from whole stories of buildings.

New insulation drying unit VX 5 now for rent


Now you can hire our new VX 5 MultiQube on a daily basis at TKL for a cheap price. With such a high performance you will get quicker to your next customer.

When water, like during the floods this year, penetrates the insulating layers a usual dehumidifier is not enough and you need an insulation dryer. The MultiQube makes the insulation layer drying faster and the VX 5 is part of our product range now. Powerful and versatile for all fields of application. Read More

Trotec Flood Info: The main facts about drying units


It is very important to make a fast dehumidification because the longer it takes the higher is the possibility that consequential damages appear. How long a dehumidification takes depends on the choice of the drying unit. Another important point is the place where the dehumidifier is set up.

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