Trotec adviser: Mould in the home – and what you should do about it

As the days are getting warmer, the heating thermostat control beckons. However, if the temperature in bedrooms at night or in hardly-used rooms sinks too low, the “mould alarm” is sure to sound! This is because damp air will start to condense in the cold parts of the home: the basis for the formation of mould that is dangerous to health. But where do mould and damp air actually come from?

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NEW BZ15M thermohygrometer – for monitoring a healthy living climate

What many don’t know: In winter, the relative humidity of a 20 °C room should not exceed 40-50 % in order to avoid the growth of harmful mould. In cases like this, the humidity can be lowered through consistent airing, providing one is aware of the danger in the first place. From now on, the new BZ15M Living Climate Hygrometer will take care of it – it shows the optimal indoor climate values in an easy-to-read and understandable manner.

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Identify the danger of mould in your own home – thanks to the thermal hygrometer

Now in the cold time of the year, the dangers caused by the formation of mould on cold wall surfaces increase – often in the corners of poorly, or not heated, rooms. Besides just heating and ventilating these rooms correctly, it is recommended that the room’s climatic data, in this case the room air temperature and room humidity, are controlled with a simple measuring device such as a thermal hygrometer. This allow you to react quickly and counter high humidity with increased ventilation – and therefore prevent a health hazard caused by mould formation before it can begin.

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The NEW Thermo-Hygrometer BC25 – warns you when the temperature “feels” too high


Are the outside climatic conditions perfect for sport activities, as well as for more mature people? Even when the hot days seem to be over – they will return in the future! When it is hot outside it is very important to prevent heat stress and to determine your own personal tolerance levels: This can be ensured with the Thermo-Hygrometer BC25 which is equipped with alarm functions for “heat index” and “perceived temperature”.

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