Identify the danger of mould in your own home – thanks to the thermal hygrometer

Now in the cold time of the year, the dangers caused by the formation of mould on cold wall surfaces increase – often in the corners of poorly, or not heated, rooms. Besides just heating and ventilating these rooms correctly, it is recommended that the room’s climatic data, in this case the room air temperature and room humidity, are controlled with a simple measuring device such as a thermal hygrometer. This allow you to react quickly and counter high humidity with increased ventilation – and therefore prevent a health hazard caused by mould formation before it can begin.

According to expert opinion, the humidity in a house should only be between 40 and 60 percent. The German Association for Mould Remediation (Bundesverband Schimmelpilzsanierun) even recommends that in low outdoor temperatures in winter, the humidity should be kept under 50 percent. 40 percent is considered ideal to eliminate the risk of black mould during Winter. However, determining the current humidity without any doubt requires a measuring device like a hygrometer.

What must a hygrometer provide?

The German Association for Mould Remediation recently conducted a short test on digital and analogue hygrometers. The experts were able to determine that all the digital devices were able to record and display the room climatic values with at least sufficient, and sometimes very good accuracy, and could therefore be recommended to consumers without any reservations. Incidentally, their performance was nearly independent of their price. The analogue hygrometers were a somewhat different story. The deviations for the analogue devices were considerable – these devices indicated differences in relative humidity from 10.4 to 17.6 %. The examiner’s conclusion: The analogue devices from the lower price category are in some cases very inaccurate and must be regularly calibrated – provided that they can be calibrated at all.

What does the mean for the hygrometer at home?

Mould needs a high humidity of over 80 percent to grow permanently – a value that is easy to reach on a room’s walls when the windows are closed in winter. Indeed, when a room has a humidity of 80 percent, deviations of 10 – 17 percent make a considerable difference. For your own safety you should therefore rely on digital measuring devices – such as those offered by Trotec. And one more tip: Building experts know that when it is 24 degrees with a relative humidity of 60 percent in the middle of the room, it is only about 20 degrees on the cold outside walls of the room and therefore the humidity is higher!

Four recommendations from Trotec

The best thing to do is to firstly inform yourself about the relative air humidity in your rooms. This is very simple to achieve with a thermal hygrometer from Trotec. We can also provide you with a comprehensive range of these measuring devices – such as the BC06, BC21, and BZ05 Thermal Hygrometers as well as the BZ25 CO2 Air-quality Monitor. Each of the devices precisely measures the two determining factors for your personal comforting atmosphere – the air temperature and the air humidity. And some devices can do even more than that …

Whether measuring the climate in living, office, or warehouse spaces, in laboratories or for agricultural or florist industries – by combining simplified one-hand operation and accurate measuring technology, in a matter of seconds the BC06 provides exact measurement values for the ambient air’s temperature and relative humidity.

The high-quality sensor technology and numerous measurement functions make the BC21 one of the ideal climatic measuring devices for households, hobby rooms or workshops. It makes it possible to measure varied climate data with just one device, such as the relative humidity or the air temperature.

At first glance the BZ05 looks just like a modern alarm clock. It is one as well. However, there is more placed into the small device besides its display of the data and time and the alarm function: It also measures temperature and humidity — practical, especially for people sensitive to the weather.

The BZ25 CO2 Air Quality Monitor measures the room temperature and humidity levels and displays them with the CO2 values on an easy-to-read display. It measures the CO2 content of the room air in 2-second intervals. An indicator helps orient you – is this value already at a critical level? Then that means: open the windows and ventilate!

Thermal hygrometers from Trotec – identify dangers of mould


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