Carbon monoxide is life-threatening – BG20 detects a threat

The gas is invisible, it cannot be smelled or tasted – yet it creeps through all cracks and doors as a deadly threat. People continue breathing as normal, but due to oxygen deficiency they first become tired, then unconscious and helpless. Even just a CO content of 1.28% in the air leads to death by suffocation in just one to two minutes. With the measuring device BG20, carbon monoxide values are determined precisely – and increasing critical values signalled via an alarm function.

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First lessons learned after the emissions scandal

Carbon Monoxide Meter

Anyone who cares even a little bit about the environment is probably rubbing their eyes in disbelief as they read about the recent emissions scandal. “How is this possible?” “Is no-one monitoring them?” These and similar questions are currently whirling through the heated air. And many a person will also presumably be asking themselves what they can possibly do as individual consumers to thwart this or other abuses.

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