Coronavirus: Risk of infection increases with dry office air – Tips for optimum humidity

Anyone who does not work at from home in home office and still has to go to the office, should reduce the increased risk of infection by corona viruses. It is important to know that a humidity level of just 50% significantly reduces the risk of inhaling viruses that have been coughed up. The following tips on optimum air humidity will show you how you can precisely determine the relative humidity of the air, how you can successfully protect yourself against infection and why you should keep an eye on the room temperature.

Check the air humidity in the office 

The easiest way to control the humidity in your rooms is to use a hygrometer, such as the inexpensive BZ05 indoor thermohygrometer or its professional version, the BZ06 from Trotec. The scientific studies of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) show just how important it is to determine the values of the room air humidity. These studies show that at an air humidity of up to 23 percent, around three quarters of coughing up virus particles are still infectious after one hour. But at a humidity level of about 43 percent, the proportion of infectious particles shrinks to only about one fifth – because the water content absorbed makes them heavier and they sink to the ground faster.  So the drier the air, the more the viruses thrive. And vice versa.

Don’t Overheat the Office

The higher you let the room temperature climb, the drier the air becomes. Try to limit the heat output to a room temperature of 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. Of course, our two recommendations, the indoor thermohygrometers BZ05 and BZ06, also show you the air temperature in the room. Especially because of the rampant corona virus, you should, in your own interest, follow the expert’s specifications, because the usually very dry heating air irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. These would then be avoidable alarm signals, which currently no human being and above all no doctor who is overworked anyway needs. The risk of infection is further increased by the fact that the mucous membranes dry out, losing their natural protective effect and turning into a gateway for viruses and bacteria. Conversely, moist mucous membranes are good protective barriers that make it more difficult for viruses to enter the body.

Provide a breath of fresh air in the office

To expel the dry air outside and fill the room with fresh, humid air in exchange, you should fully open all your windows at least twice a day to ensure thorough ventilation. If the offices do not have windows and doors facing each other, simply air out a little longer. Incidentally, you can save a lot of energy by turning down the heating beforehand and only opening the windows when all radiators have cooled down.

As for air humidification, only work with real professionals

The hygrostat-controlled Trotec humidifiers of the B series and the air washers of the AW-S series ensure optimally regulated humidity and purified room air. Thanks to their timeless design, the devices fit into any office environment, require little maintenance during operation and are attractively priced. The most important criteria for the right unit are the room sizes in the office in combination with the humidification performance.

The disc humidifier for large rooms combines high-performance evaporation with economical long-term operation. Its hydrostat-controlled humidity regulation is supplemented by a rotating vaporisation fleece, which cleans the air as well. Pleasantly low levels of operating noise and low energy consumption distinguish this device even more.

Moreover, you can expect a wide range of electric humidifiers with various functions and modern designs. From compact entry-level units to models that are also suitable for large rooms or where you can pleasantly perfume your room air by adding scented oils – a suitable evaporative humidifier is available for every need.

The low-maintenance 3-in-1 comfort device for humidification and purification. The air washer cleans and humidifies the room air without filter mats. Furthermore, the air washer binds together pollen, animal hair, house dust and even unpleasant odours thanks to the integrated plasma feature. The low-maintenance device is easy to open for filling and cleaning.

As a 3-in-1 comfort device with combination sensor and HEPA filter, this air washer provides optimum humidity and air quality at all times. Moreover, the device is perfectly suited to allergy sufferers: Thanks to the optional HEPA filter, not only house dust, pollen and animal hair are removed from the air – but also even the smallest dirt particles like fine dust, allergens or mould spores can be reliably removed by this air washer.

Reduce the risk of infection at the office – thanks to innovative solutions from Trotec

Find out about all of the ways our air quality management can benefit you. And why not take advantage of our current special offer prices, because you’ll be receiving Trotec brand quality:


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