Technology developed in Heinsberg during the crisis shows how university and company canteens can protect themselves better from Corona: TAC V+ air purification

The loosening of the corona lockdown measures is a done deal! In almost all federal states, office canteens and university canteens, which have been closed up to now, are preparing to reopen soon. But how can employees and students be protected against infection in the canteen? This question is currently preoccupying not only the states that are imposing strict hygiene requirements, but also universities and companies. No businessperson or university wants to risk their own canteen becoming a Corona hotspot and the press coverage that comes with it!

Even if the number of infections is declining – the danger is in the air.

Hygiene and protection against infection is the top priority anywhere where several thousand meals are prepared and consumed every day. Starting with the arrival of goods to cutlery boxes, which are considered a potential danger point for smear infections. That means a lot of work for hygiene officers! But despite all safety and hygiene measures such as increased disinfection, distancing rules and Plexiglas panes to protect against sneezing and coughing – up to now, there has been no effective protection against the main transmission path of the coronavirus!

“We have always been specialists in room air filtration and, as a Heinsberg-based company, we started work on a solution that would really help and not just provide perceived protection as soon as the first cases became known,” explains Trotec Managing Director Joachim Ludwig. “Masks and sneeze screens are one thing. However, all experts now agree that aerosols, some of which remain in the air for hours, pose the greatest risk of infection. The aim must therefore be to filter them out of the room air. And quickly and effectively at that!”

And the TAC V+ Zone air purifier from Trotec does this in the best possible way.

When we speak, cough or sneeze, we not only expel large, visible droplets into the room in a kind of “mist” (known as “moist speech”), but also – and to a much greater extent – tiny particles, known as aerosols. These suspended particles are only a thousandth of a millimetre in size, invisible to the naked eye, and when they are expelled by sick people, bacteria or viruses can adhere to them. These tiny aerosol particles are particularly infectious because they are inhaled deep into the lungs, while the large droplets immediately sink to the ground when sneezing or coughing.

Without protective measures, coughed up pathogens spread over several metres within seconds and float in the room air for up to several hours while still infectious.

Hygiene barriers at the food counter and between the tables alone therefore offer no effective protection against exhaled aerosols, as these sometimes rise up to several metres into the air like smoke and only after hours do they slowly sink to the ground over a large area – even behind the supposedly safe windows at the cash desks, counters and tables! If the room has an air conditioning system, this distributes the viral aerosols even more widely across the entire room.

You should therefore use maximum protection against infection by ensuring the most virus-free room and breathing air possible: The TAC V+ Air purifier makes it possible.

The TAC V+, now available for purchase or rental, was developed in Germany and is the perfect solution for establishing virus-free zones in:

  • Office canteens
  • Large canteens
  • University canteens

With a TAC V+ Air purifier, student services, cafeteria and canteen operators supplement the officially prescribed hygiene requirements with highly effective infection protection!

High-frequency air purification with the TAC V+ filters 99.995 % of illness-causing viruses from the room air and reduces the risk of infection in canteens to a minimum.

Using a Trotec TAC V+ Air purifier with virus filter significantly reduces the risk of becoming infected by a pathogen such as SARS-CoV-2 while eating in the canteen! No matter whether in the goods arrival, in the canteen kitchen, at the food counter or between the tables – almost everywhere, infectious aerosol clouds can be filtered out of the room air in seconds using the TAC V+. The mobile air purifier TAC V+ creates clean and virus-filtered “clean air zones” wherever it is. In these zones, the ambient air remains largely free of airborne germs and viruses, because the TAC V+ draws in the polluted room air at ground level and cleans it with a special HEPA-virus filter.

“Plug & Play” setup! No installation, no complicated connection process. Simply plug it in and enjoy maximum possible protection against infection in the blink of an eye!

Maintenance-free room air cleaning – without disturbing business

The TAC V+ has a thermal self-cleaning function so that staff can concentrate on the important tasks at hand. The filter decontaminates itself 100 % automatically – for example overnight, to reliably protect against pathogenic germs and viruses in the room air during the day!

Thanks to its globally unique combination of filter and decontamination technology, the TAC V+ safely reduces the airborne risk of infection in all areas with a high degree of public traffic.

You can’t ask for more protection, and you should demand no less:

  • Compliance with hygiene regulations in the kitchen and at the entrance
  • Distancing rules at the food counter
  • Hygiene barriers to protect against droplet infection
  • Air purification to reduce the risk of airborne infection

Useful information about the HEPA filter (H14 HEPA virus filter), with a transmission level of ≤ 0.005 %

The H14 virus filters specially developed by Trotec for the TAC V+ and the TES 200 impress with their first-class filter efficiency and innovative performance characteristics. With a transmission level of only 0.005% and separation efficiency of 99.995%, they offer 10 times the separation efficiency of conventional H13 filters.

Thanks to these first-class properties, H14 high-performance filters are even used to produce clean air in operating theatres and in other comparably hygiene-sensitive areas. These are the best qualifications for keeping the canteen free of germs and viruses during rampant epidemics.

All the H14 high-performance filters offered by Trotec meet the highest quality requirements, which are obligatory for the filtration of bacteria and viruses:

  • Each H14 high-performance filter is individually tested and given its own serial number.
  • The test report is enclosed in duplicate as a certificate with each H14 filter.
  • The original test certificate can be filed away and a copy attached to the air purification device when required.
  • H14 HEPA high performance filters are tested according to EN 1822 and EN 60335-2-69.

Trotec has developed special high-performance air purifiers for almost every occupational safety application

In addition to the TAC V+ high-performance air purifier, Trotec also offers other air purifiers, such as the TES 200 or the TAC 6500. We can supply you with free-standing air purification solutions as required, as well as air purifiers for integration into your existing room air system!

Our technical advisors will be pleased to discuss which device is best for your application in a personal meeting with you.

Buying a unit: If you have any questions, please contact us by email at or give us a call on +49 2452 962-400.

Equipment rental: Please contact our TKL Rental Centre directly – by e-mail to or call us on +49 2452 962-160.

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