Airozon® 28 ECO ozone disinfector: Professional solution for odour neutralisation and disinfection of surfaces and indoor air – now back in stock

Many unpleasant odours penetrate so deeply into textiles and upholstery that it seems impossible to eradicate them, no matter how much you ventilate the room. However, as a professional service provider, you know that germ-free interiors with a fresh air smell are much easier to sell. So the Airozon® 28 ECO ozone disinfector from Trotec, which is now back in stock, should be an integral part of your company’s pool of cleaning machines. This is because its ozone treatment enables not only the effective elimination of unpleasant odours but also the eradication of micro-organisms such as bacteria, mould spores and viruses on surfaces and in the room air.

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When viruses are exposed to ozone they are completely destroyed by the extra oxygen atom

Ozone is a triatomic form of oxygen that humans breathe in diatomic form. Ozone is the second most powerful disinfectant in the world, and it is used to destroy bacteria, viruses and odours. The great advantage of ozone as a gas compared to other disinfectants is that it can spread everywhere, even in inaccessible areas, uniformly and within minutes.

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