Infrared cameras unmask leaks the human eye fails to see

save energy with infrared cameras

An infrared camera is a highly sophisticated piece of equipment. One of its outstanding features is its ability to detect energy leaks in buildings using infrared technology and to make these leaks visible to the naked eye.

Infrared cameras can be used to create thermal images or real-time video sequences of the outer walls of buildings or the rooms inside in order to allow you to determine where the chinks and gaps in your building’s insulation are so that immediate steps can be taken to remedy the situation and cut spiralling energy costs.

The thermal images which the camera generates reveal a fascinating colour spectrum which clearly distinguishes between cold and warm spots. Warm colours like red, yellow or orange represent the warm spots, the places where warm air and precious energy is seeping out of the building. Cooler colours, like green and blue, show you where the cold spots are. These are the places where cold air is making its way into the building, often making heating futile.

Inspections which are carried out on the outside of buildings are especially effective, because they show you just where the thermal bridges and cold leaks are. Such inspections are even more effective in the colder winter months when the warmth that escapes through any leaks or cracks in the building is captured vividly in strong shades of colour by the infrared camera. Typical weak spots from an insulation point-of-view are poorly sealed windows or doors, windows and doors with simple glazing or even whole facades or roofs which have been poorly insulated.

How can I put the results of my thermal imaging camera to best use?

The results provide restoration and renovation experts with valuable information which forms the basis of their calculations and their further actions. But the results can be equally valuable for tenants and home-owners who can then decide which course of action to they need to take.

Some of the steps you need to take can be very simple:

  • Windows – by putting up heavy curtains or drapes and sealing off windows with tape or window foil you can effectively keep the cold out and keep the warmth in
  • Doors – sealing tape and door or letterbox draught excluders, including the rather sweet homemade stuffed ones, provide a particularly effective means of combatting the cold.

Knowledge is power. Knowing where the cold leaks in your house or flat are can save you endless trouble and strife. Cupboards, cabinets, commodes and beds should not be placed up against walls that have been identified as having cold leaks. For more information see our blog article

Mould and how to prevent it – 5 golden rules for tenants

Do I have to buy my infrared camera or can I hire one too?

As a tenant or home-owner you may not want to invest in an infrared camera for you might consider to be a one-off inspection. Well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Our infrared cameras are also for hire.

TKL , the hiring division of our group, has a selection of prime cameras.

Bring some colour into your life and find out where the weak spots in your home or flat are.

Cut your energy costs – with a professional infrared camera from Trotec

Exploding heating oil and natural gas prices are often the subject of heated discussions – especially now during the colder months of the year. Heat is a valuable commodity and heat loss a luxury which many people simply can’t afford. What better a way then to stop valuable heat from seeping out of your home than by routing out the leaks and cracks which wear on your nerves – and on your pocket!

Up to now, conventional methods used to locate leaks in lofts, walls, windows and ceilings were both time-consuming and costly. But times have changed and now you can detect the weak spots in your house’s insulation using non-destructive, cutting-edge infrared technology! The professional infrared cameras in the IC-Series are excellently suited for finding cold gaps, areas where mould can easily flourish and structural  deficiencies – especially at this time of the year when thermographic inspections carried out on your property can quickly point to the places where heat is being unnecessarily emitted in order for you to be able to determine the extent of work that has to be carried out on the façade of your house or roof, for example.

Trotec has a wide range of infrared cameras designed especially to suit a whole range of professional applications and individual requirements. Buy your fully-equipped infrared camera now – ideal for home owners, energy consultants, property administrators and real estate and housing managers.

Find out more the top-quality infrared cameras in the IC-Series and save on your heating bills this winter and next!

Order your infrared camera online – quick and trouble-free…

Go here to find out all you need to know about the infrared cameras in the IC-Series…

Air conditioning unit PAC 3500: Now having energy efficiency class A

Air conditioning unit PAC 3500
Air conditioning unit PAC 3500

Air conditioning units don’t have to be electricity gobblers. The best example is the mobile air conditioning unit PAC 3500 of our latest generation of devices. This monoblock device awarded energy efficiency class A. So the PAC 3500 has got a very high cooling capacity and a very low energy consumption.

But listen up…

The efficiency of a PAC 3500 can be increased by an AirLock 100, our latest product. It’s a window seal with a gap where the exhaust hose has to be put. So the window is sealed and hot air and insects have to stay outside.

More information on the mobile air conditioning unit PAC 3500